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Calmac Timetables

Browse all timetables for direct routes from Oban ferry terminal and alternatives to the islands in the local area.

Isle of Mull: Oban - Craignure
Isle of Iona: Fionnphort-Iona
Isles of Coll & Tiree: Oban - Coll - Tiree

Isle of Kerrera: Gallanach - Kerrera
Isle of Lismore: Oban - Lismore

Isle of Colonsay: Oban-Colonsay-Port Askaig-Kennacraig

Additional Routes

Ardnamurchan and Isle of Mull: Tobermory - Kilchoan
Isle of Mull: Lochaline - Fishnish

Timetable Finder

Including details of the Glasgow to Oban train timetable

Other Ferry Routes:

Isle of Luing: Cuan - Luing
Easdale Island: Ellenabeich - Easdale
Isle of Lismore: Port Appin - Lismore
Corran Ferry: Nether Lochaber - Ardgour

Journey Planner

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